Canadian Experience Class

The Canadian Experience Class (CEC) is for those individuals who have already been residing in Canada, while either working or studying, and have a good sense of life in Canada.  Under this program, the applicant may have lived in Canada for a certain period of time, possess the necessary English and/or French skills and the right kind of work experience.  All of these factors will contribute to helping a potential candidate under this program integrate successfully into Canada as a Permanent Resident.  A successful applicant will have the tools and skills required to permanently take part in the Canadian economy.

eligibility Requirements for Canadian Experience Class

The Canadian Experience Class Requirements program requisites rely on a fail or pass system. If candidates meet the lowest requirements, they are qualified to join the Express Entry pool. The minimum CEC requirements include:

  • Candidates submitting an application should attain at least one year of experience in the Canadian job market; technical or professional work experience. Canadian work experience must be over three years before the date of application;
  • Candidates submitting an application should exceed a Canadian Language Benchmark (CLB) of five – initial intermediate or seven – adequate intermediate proficiency, hanging on the working stage;
  • Applicants should be ready and willing to work and reside away from Quebec province. If you want to live in the province of Quebec, consider applying to the Quebec Experience Class.

Candidates can stay in Canada during the application procedure. Though, the program is as well amenable to persons who left Canada, given that they apply within three years of moving out of Canada under a work program.

Beware! Work experience gained as a result of studying full-time or under self-employment, is not included in the program. International graduates who wish to apply for permanent residency under the CEC do have pathways to achieve the dream.

Who is eligible for Canadian Experience Class Program?

In order to be eligible for CEC, a candidate must have at least 12-months of full-time (or an equivalent amount of part-time), skilled work experience in Canada. The Canadian work experience must have been acquired within the previous three years from the date of the application. CEC is not an option for foreign nationals who do not have recent Canadian work experience.

Canadian Experience Class Requirements

Under this class, you must have acquired, in Canada, within the 36 months before the date the application is made, at least 12 months of full-time work experience, or the equivalent in part-time work experience in one of the following occupational levels:

  • NOC skill type 0: This is for managerial positions who make decisions for an organization or a department within that organization. It might include jobs like mine managers, restaurant managers, or shore captains in the fishing industry. The expertise possessed by NOC 0 workers is due to educational training and/or extensive on-the-job experience. 
  • NOC skill level A: These jobs require a university-level education – either a bachelor’s degree or a post-graduate degree like a master’s or a PhD. In other words, these jobs are also commonly known as professions – doctors, lawyers, accountants, graphic designers, coders etc. OR
  • NOC skill level B: These are jobs that normally require some form of post-secondary education like a certificate or diploma from a technical school or community college, for example. They also include jobs with secondary education and 2 to 5 years of apprenticeship training (like plumbers and electricians); as well as jobs with supervisory responsibilities or health and security responsibilities (like police officers and licensed practical nurses)
  • Full-time work means:
  • at least 30 hours of paid work per week for 12 months for a total of 1,560 hours.
  • In addition, you can also fulfill the work requirements through working sufficient hours in a part-time job: for example; 15 hours per week for 24 months = 1560 hours; or combining 2 part-time jobs that give a total of 30 hours per week for 12 months.
  • You must demonstrate that they have met the minimum language requirements by providing the results of their English or French language test from a designated language testing agency, such as IELTS, CELPIP and TEF.
  • Language: Reach a Canadian Language Benchmark (CLB) level 7 on an approved English or French language test for NOC skill level 0 or A jobs. Reach a CLB 5 for NOC B jobs.
  • Residence in Canada: Intend to live outside of the province of Quebec.